IceBreak-R Team
3 min readMay 30, 2021


Project Recap- Week 1

First off let us start by saying thank you to all of our project supporters! We have come quite a long way since brainstorming this amazing project in our original developer meetings just a few short months ago to now making it reality for everyone to experience. We intend to continue innovating, designing, and pushing the boundaries within the DeFi space and continue building our community in ways we never thought possible. We have several exciting updates coming very soon and we aim for a Q3 rollout of our very own SwapDex integrated into our webpage.

Our presale was a huge success, hitting the 400 BNB hardcap in a little over an hour. The BNB-ICEBRK pair was immediately listed, with locked liquidity, onto Pancakeswap exchange for everyone to access. Our team then burned a large portion of the supply to initiate the Frozen Abyss (burn with every transaction), and time locked our team tokens as well as the DAO funding for three months. Project vault funds were sent to a multisignature address to prevent any theft or hacking risk.

Within the first few minutes of trading however we quickly noticed a minor flaw in our contract code which was not performing the automatic liquidity addition through our swapAndLiquify function. We pinpointed the mistake, but since it was hardcoded into our smart contract we must redeploy an upgraded contract next month and migrate everyone to that. The liquidity will be preserved as well as the trading price/listing rate when we migrate, all token holders will be able to seamlessly swap their existing tokens for the new ones. Upon deployment and BSCscan verification we will apply for our smart contract audit with reputable auditing firms. More information will be provided on the contract upgrade and migration in the coming weeks so stay tuned for that. In the meantime feel free to continue trading your ICEBRK tokens as normal on Pancakeswap- there is PLENTY of liquidity.

Currently, the ICEBRK tokens that are intended for the liquidity pool acquisition, charity and dapp development funding are simply being diverted into our token contract itself, which is completely harmless and easily recoverable on the new contract. To compensate for this we have manually added liquidity to the LP and will continue to do so until we can mitigate the situation with the upgraded contract. Our first liquidity pool addition was on 5/21/21 for 6T ICEBRK and 4.08 BNB, and the second addition was for 3T ICEBRK and 1.87 BNB on 5/27/21, essentially representing the 30T tokens that are in the wallet balance. Charity tokens and dapp funding will be recovered next month and sent to the appropriate wallet addresses- the remaining 21T tokens will be slowly liquidated over time to recover the BNB allocated from the project vault.

Additionally the team realized that several addresses were not excluded from the "reflect rewards" and were collecting token rewards that should not have been sent, which are effectively irretrievable for now because of the way smart contracts recognize token balances; you can only pull out the precise balance of what you intially deposited. These addresses include: DXsale lock address, DXsale presale contract address, ICEBRK token contract address. These addresses have since been excluded from the reflect rewards to stop any tokens from being sent there. These "lost tokens" will also be recovered on the new contract and used partly for the airdrop rewards and some burned.

For next 3 weeks we will be running an ICEBRK token airdrop campaign to reward our community and to help spread the word about - the link is and anyone can join. We will be giving out 1 Billion tokens per task, up to five tasks. Existing token holders, prior to 5/26/21 airdrop launch, will receive DOUBLE the reward and Diamond Hand Holders from presale will get a MEGA BONUS airdrop that will only grow as we get closer to the end date. June 21st will be the cutoff date so make sure you sign up before then. Also we decided we wanted to do a little something extra on top of that so we are running a Jackpot Raffle drawing this weekend and next (Sunday Noon PST) where 5 lucky winners will get 25 Billion tokens. To qualify for the raffle drawing you must hold 100 Billion ICEBRK tokens or more.

Token Lock Transactions :

Team Tokens

Dao Tokens:

Burn of tokens Transaction:

So for now we will get back to developing and growing this amazing project for our community. We are glad to have you all along for our journey!

In case you missed it we appeared on the Ladz City Discord/YouTube live stream for our third Ask Me Anything interview:

